The Social Justice Syllabus Design Tool

Syllabi. We all write, and often dread writing, them. And rarely do we consider that something as simple as our course syllabus can make or break a student's feeling of belonging in our classroom. Aside from the obvious academic course content, such as articles or books, every other element, too, including office hours, course expectations, or stated policies, impacts how included a student feels before we even have your first meeting! This helpful PDF guide includes best practices for inclusive syllabus design, stereotype threat interventions, and social justice pedagogy principles that can help guide syllabus creation. Access this guide here to learn more about what simple steps we can all take to make our students feel more included as they read through our syllabi.
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The Social Justice Syllabus Design Tool is a great resource for ensuring that course syllabi not only convey academic content but also foster a sense of inclusion and belonging for students. Simple changes to syllabus design can significantly impact student engagement and success.
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I love these First Friday gatherings! They make the end of the week even better. The menu sounds delicious—nachos loaded with cheese, beans, and all the good stuff? Yes, please! Thanks to the Motor Pool Team for making this happen. It’s a great way to bring people together. Excited to drop by, grab some food, and enjoy the event. Keep up the great work!
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